principles of Hoijeon Moosool
3) Basics and basic techniques established based on the four principles of Hoijeon Moosool
1, the principle of “the central axis of the body” (the principle of exercise using the whole body weight)
2, the principle of “action and reaction” (the principle of the lever)
3, “Hoijeon” principle (the principle of centrifugal force and centripetal force)
4, the principle of “stopping force” (the principle of motion inertia to increase speed and power), etc.
The four main principles of Hoijeon Moosool are the basics, basic techniques, and mpvements were established (the action is the hypervelocity of force, and the reaction is the hypervelocity of the moment).
3-회전무술Hoijeon Moosool 4대 원리로 정립.hwp (14.0K)
18회 다운로드 | DATE : 2021-07-07 09:25:52
- PREV회전무술(Hoijeon Moosool) 전신(근육) 10가지 22.06.19